Sunday 19 April 2015


Queens HAI

The Six Wives started out as illustrations for one of the Hysterical Histories/Autumn Publishing series I've been working on for the past couple of years, but which doesn't look as if it is going to go ahead (yet, at any rate). So, rather than just let these babies sit there doing nothing, I thought I'd re-draw them using a new pen setting I've discovered/fallen in love with in Manga Studio, and then colour them up for my portfolio. That, and I really want to do a mnemonics screen print series, so this Tudor green and white version is how I envisage that looking. It would be lovely to print it just using the two colours on some kind of parchment-type paper, or even paper I've aged myself using tea or coffee. That way, each print would truly be unique. All I need now is a bit of moolah to get in the print studio!

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